Do you want to install an above ground pool?
Well, then this is the RIGHT guide for you.
I am going to take you through a detailed step-by-step process on above ground swimming pool installation. You will learn how to select suitable materials, prepare the site, fix the pool, install pool accessories, just to mention a few.
By the end of this guide, you will definitely be an expert in above ground pool installation.
Straightaway, let us get to these steps:
Step 1: Select a Suitable Above-ground Swimming Pool Design Ideas
Let’s face it;
It will be ignorance of the highest level if you think you can just start constructing a swimming pool without considering pool design options.
At the absolute least you need something that you can refer from whenever you’re building a swimming pool in your home.
Remember this is one of the most significant investments that you’d never wish to mess up with at any phase.
So what’s the point here?
Get a suitable pool design option. We have several ways of obtaining them.
Here is a sure way of getting the best above ground pool design:
Simply Contact a Swimming Pool Contractor for Design Ideas
In many cases, they often have a lot of them since that is their area of specialization. The contractor will at the same time give you the appropriate plan and drawing for the impending construction.

Above-ground Swimming Pool Design Ideas
This is obviously based on several factors that they need to consider before ultimately arriving at a decision.
So, in other words, contractors have a way of coming up with a design plan for above ground swimming pool. This will depend on the outcome of the evaluation of the construction site.
Do a Random Search on the Internet
You can also find your favorite above swimming pool design by doing a random search on the internet.
I’ll give you a few links at the end of this section on how to get some of the best above ground swimming pool designs.
Anyway, here is how to go about it:
- Enter search term say – “above ground swimming pool designs”
- Click on images and there you go…there are hundreds of designs to choose from.

Above Ground Swimming Pool Designs
Do a Random Search on the Internet You can also find your favorite above swimming pool design by doing a random search on the internet.I’ll give you a few links at the end of this section on how to get some of the best above ground swimming pool designs.Anyway, here is how to go about it:Enter search term say – “above ground swimming pool designs” Click on images and there you go…there are hundreds of designs to choose from.
Step 2: Get the Above-ground Pool Permit before Construction Work Begins
- The truth of the matter is that you and I would always love to have peace of mind at all times.By merely installing an above-ground swimming pool in your backyard without the consent of relevant authorities, you will be in problems.It’s that simple!Yes! You can imagine the officers knocking at your gate quite often to inspect various things to do with the swimming pool. It is really sickening, to say the least.Here is the best part though:You can avoid the push and shove simply by getting a permit from the local office that deals with swimming pool installation.
What you ideally need to do is:
- Present your swimming pool plan
- Avail to them the drawing and design that indicate all dimensions
- Attach other necessary requirements and fill all information
After that, a surveyor will be sent to your place to assess whether or not it meets the minimum requirements for constructing the above-ground swimming pool.
If the reviewer finds out that you’ve complied with all the specific requirements, sooner or later you’ll get the construction permit.
However, if you have not abode by some of what they require, you’ll probably get back and rectify the same before you obtain the certification.

A permit for pools
Once you get this permit, you’re now at liberty to continue with the construction. This process can also be tiresome, especially if you don’t know the nitty-gritty needed.For that reason, it is advisable always to let the contractor to handle it. Because they understand the process much better.
Step 3: Choose a Suitable Site for Above Ground Pool Installation
After getting a go-ahead from the authorities, the next thing to do is commence the construction processes.
So how does it start? You start by first selecting the specific spot where you want to build this facility on.

Above-ground Pool
Figure 1Photo Credits: EUGENIODLEO
Here are a few things you should consider:
Where do you Consider Ideal for the Above-ground Pool?
Again, it depends on where you deem ideal for it to be situated in your homestead. A perfect spot is in the backyard where there is likely to be less movement of people.
Consider the available Space (Know the size of Above-ground Pool)
When choosing a suitable site for installing your above-ground swimming pool, it is vital to ensure that you consider the space.
It implies that you need to figure out the size the swimming place will occupy and whether it would be necessary and enough.
Pay Attention to Privacy & Tranquility
You also need to look at the tranquility and the privacy of the selected spot. It is necessary to install a swimming pool in a relatively serene part of the homestead.
May be you can consider time to consider an isolated place.
Choose a Place without Trees
Additionally, you need to make sure that the specific site you’re choosing is kinda free from many large trees.
Because these trees are often inhabited by birds, which can be a nuisance when they drop their wastes and hence litter your pool all the time.
The leaves from such trees can also keep on falling in your swimming pool and consequently littering the pool and its environs.
So primarily, ensure that the site is free from such elements.
Step 4: Prepare the Site Where to Install an Above Ground Pool
Of all the phases for installing the above-ground pool, this seems to be the most involving in regards to labor intensiveness.
And surprisingly, you got to do it perfectly. It is what significantly determines the overall outcome of the pool. If you do it right from the start, be sure of having a great finish and vice versa.
So what does site preparation entails?
Let’s quickly have a look:
Mark the Area
This is the first thing to do upon selecting the particular spot for constructing the pool. You need to mark all the dimensions of the area that you will dig.
The markings should be visible to make it easy for you or anyone else to see when digging. This prevents cases of excavating incorrect dimensions that might, later on, affect the construction in one way of the other.

Where to Install an Above Ground Pool
Can you see the red mark? Well, it is a mark showing where you intend to install the pool. Photo Credits: VIDEO BY CRAIG HEFFERNAN
On the same note, you need to create a temporary fence around the construction site. The essence is mainly for safety reasons and preventing disturbances.
Let’s now move on to the next step on-site preparation.
Remove the Sod
It is among the essential things that you got to do. How do you do it?
Dig the sod from all the entire area beneath the pool all around. It is important to do so because it will help to make assembling relatively easy.
Digging to remove sod using this means is also advantageous because it’ll, in the long run, make the pool wall sturdy and less prone to scratches, dents, and accidental damage.
But then you also need to ensure that you factor in the requirements as stipulated in your local building and fencing code.

Level the Site
Removing sod from the site – Photo Credits: VIDEO BY CRAIG HEFFERNAN
Some regions require up to a minimum of six inches of a clear area cut. So it would be imperative to check and confirm with the guiding principles of your local code.
Level the Site
Now that you’re done with removing sod, the next thing to do is level the entire site. Primarily, you need to bring down the higher ground to equal the height of the lowest level of the field that you didn’t sod.
An ideal method of doing is by digging out the higher side. It is actually recommended because it makes it easy for the whole site to be of the same level.